Fashion Star Fillies :: Individual Fillies
"In the world of ultra glamorous fashion, one name is on everyones lips: Fashion Star Fillies!"
Fashion Star Fillies were produced by Kenner in the mid 1980's. They were a series of shimmery, multi-coloured horses which could have their long manes and tails styled and bodies painted. There were several sets of fashion wear, hair & body adornments and one playset.
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thanks to The
Filly Catwalk, Lisa or found on eBay!
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Individual Fillies
There were two individual Fillies with no associated series.
"Cliff is a royal prinve from a grand estate in England. He is the best friend and companion of all the Fashion Star Fillies. In his tuxedo collar, tie and cuffs, Cliff is a filly's dream date come true. Cliff will be the perfect escort for your Fashion Star Fillies horses."
Cliff was the only boy filly. His hair was shorter than the fillies' and was also larger in size.
- White Collar with Black Bow Tie
- 2 White Cuffs
- Purple Comb
"Josselyn is the ultimate Fashion Star Fillies horse! This super model comes with the Star Styler braider, a stand, a comb and six barrettes to create very special hairdos for all of the Fashion Star Fillies horses."
Josslyn came with a stand and Star Styler hair accessories and came in two colours (pink or purple).Accessories:
- 1 Green Square Barrettes
- 2 Purple Triangle Barrettes
- 1 Green Triangle Barrette
- 1 Purple Square Barrette
- White and Pink Stand
- Orange and Pink Star Braider
- Pink Shooting Star Brush
For Sale
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