My Little Angel :: Angels
"Magical Angels to Watch Over You!"
My Little Angel was a short lived series of angel and cherub dolls produced by ERTL in 1993. The dolls had detachable plastic glitter & liquid filled wings, as did their three animal friends.
Images on this page thanks
to Veni-Vidi-Dolli, and eBay sellers kidsatheart2011, mpfann, czarczarbinks14, and Dennis Collectibles Dolls And Toys!
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There were six Angel dolls. They were about 6 inches high and had detachable plastic glitter & liquid filled wings. Each doll came with a shimmery, glow-in-the-dark dress, headband, painted on shoes, comb and individual gold charm. Some, if not all, came in two colour variations of their crown and comb.
Angela, The Nursery Angel
"Where do babies
come from? Mom and Dad know, but when they tell
you it can be confusing.
The truth is, they come from Angela.
in charge of the Angel Nursery.
Angela makes sure each baby is delivered to the
correct address.
Then she watches over them to see they're safe."
Angela came with a teddy bear charm, and a pink or blue crown and comb. Her wings had blue glitter and teddy bears inside.
Cookie, The Kitchen Angel
"Food makes you
grow up big and strong.
It gives you energy to play, and learn, and help
mom around the house.
Cookie is in charge of the Angel Kitchen.
Where do you think Angel Food Cake comes from?
It was developed by Cookie.
On Earth, Cookie make sure that everything tastes
good and that all plates are clean."
Cookie came with a mixing bowl & spoon charm, and a yellow crown and comb. Her wings had copper and gold glitter inside.
Daphne, The Angel of Music
"When you open
a song book, who figured out that the squiggly lines
mean a specific sound?
Daphne did!
Musical notes, the sounds of flutes and harps, and
the sweet songs of the Angel choir are all Daphne's
On Earth, she keeps little choir singers "alert"
during practice, and makes sure every little voice
sounds sweet and pure."
Daphne came with a musical clef charm, and a pink or purple crown and comb.
Joy, The Angel of Love
"Love makes the
world go 'round. It's the thing that makes flowers
grow and puppies warm and cuddly.
Joy is the Angel whose job it is to see that little
boys and girls are always loved.
Joy is the reason you feel safe and secure when
you snuggle with your dad as he reads you a bedtime
Joy came with a heart charm, and a pink or purple crown and comb. Her wings had gold glitter with pink and silver hearts inside.
Luminar, The Angel Starlighter
"On a clear night,
when you look up and watch the stars, it seems there
are zillions in the sky.
How did they get so bright?
Luminar is there to make sure that each star shines
She polishes and shines and adds that special twinkle
to each and every one.
Luminar adds hope to every star so wishes come true."
Luminar came with a star charm, and a yellow crown and comb. Her wings had silver glitter with gold stars inside.
Mistie, The Cloud Chaser Angel
"How did the clouds
get those funny shapes?
They look like bunnies, chicks, puppies, and kittens.
Well, it's Mistie who fluffs and puffs every cloud
until it has its own wonderful shape.
Mistie's most important job is to check each and
every cloud to see they all have a silver lining."
Mistie came with a cloud charm, and a pink or pink crown and comb. Her wings had silver glitter with pink and blue couds inside.
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