Fakie Petite Ponies :: Pony Wonderland
"Collect them all!"
Pony Wonderland was produced by the Italian company Globo using Hasbro's Petite Ponies "Ponytail" moulds, but came with ink stamps on the bottom rather than a horseshoe symbol. After Petite Ponies production ceased in 1991, it is possible that Hasbro sold their moulds.
Images on this page thanks to Pablo!
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Pony Wonderland
In total, there were eight sets with four ponies in each. Each set came with a star comb, but there were also two variations which came with a butterfly comb instead.
Orange Star Comb Sets
Butterfly comb variation of the set above:
Green Star Comb Sets
Butterfly comb variation of the set above:
There were four poses, four symbols, and four stamp designs. It appears that each pose stuck to the same symbol but came in various colours.
Pose 1
This pose (pegasus) had a crescent moon symbol.
Pose 2
This pose has a butterfly symbol.
Pose 3
This pose had a bow symbol.
Pose 4
This pose had a star symbol.
They were sold in groups just like Petite Ponies, and included the same comb mould too.
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